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Senin, 24 Juni 2013


LATIHAN 12 HAL 105-106 Lengkapi kalimat. Gunakan shouldn’t + ekspresi dalam daftar atau kata-kata sendiri. be cruel to animals be late for an appointment drive a long distance exceed the speed limit give too much homework miss any class smoke throw trash out of your car window 1. if you are tired, you shouldn’t drive a long distance 2. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. You shouldn’t smoke 3. A good driver shouldn’t throw trash out of your car window 4. A teacher shouldn’t give too much homework 5. A student shouldn’t miss any class 6. Animals have feelings, too. You shouldn’t be cruel to animals 7. It is important to punctual. You shouldn’t exceed the speed limit 8. Littering is againts the law. You shouldn’t be late for an appointment

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